got Hope

got Hope

Thursday, March 24, 2011

WOW....Not much more to say then that!

So life has been pretty busy here on the Gillum home front, it seems like the more we sink into the teenage years the more I would be totaly ok with just escaping.... then I bounce back into reality  with the image of my house falling apart and my children going through withdrawl because they have no one to scream at.  :)
Well that's my thoughts this month on raising teenagers, I am sure it will change next month possibly even tomorrow, I'll get back with you on that.
The one good thing is I have managed to complete a baby quilt and a King Size quilt since November, now that's funny who needs medication when you know how to Quilt. Two of my dearest friends we just started working on the Farmer's Wife Quilt, I am just amazed at the story behind it to only have lived back then. I often find myself drifting back wondering if raising daughter's was more simple or did they deal with pretty much the same issues just on a different level. I hope I meet one of the ladies when I get to Heaven that will be a question I will ask. So i just completed block 12 and I have to add I am doing 3 of each block, because while I am making a King Size Quilt for my own bed Iam doing a Wall Hanging for our Athletic Boosters to Raffle next year and well the third Block you never know when something might come up that I will want to donate a quilt to or maybe someone will want to buy it. I think I have too much time on my hands, and while I am thinking about it my thoughts on my word for the year Compassion well let's just say it's still a work in progress and I am so thankful for Christ and all his love, otherwise I would be bald and possibly commited.

I will post some pictures when i am done!

Monday, January 31, 2011


My word for the year, I think I already adnitted that I was a little hesitate after I chose this word. My first reaction was "What am I going to endoure through out eh year for God to teach me a little Compassion."

I have to say that i have been blessed and more blessed since this one little word has entered my thoughts and my different way of thinking. God has brought person after person into my life with Compassion and purpose to bless me and my family. I am just amazed at the lengths people have gone to bless me, i wonder why. Because of God and his Compassion for us he surrounds us with those who show His love and Compassion.

After a short trip with the girls to WalMart yesterday, we made a quick decision in the car to black out Facebook for the week, i have been tempted to get on a few times today, but have over came the temptation and found something else to do in it's place. Like finally completing this quilt i have been working on since November. It is long over due to be getting done. We came into the house I realized i had not checked my school email since last Thurs. i logged on and found a very short email from our building Accounts personnel, i briefly explained that someone who chose to remain unknown and felt it in their heart to pay my daughters cheer leading fees for this school year. Now if any of you have had daughters cheer in High school you know how costly it can be come, i pay mine when we get our tax return each year. i was so blessed and again reminded of Compassion.

Thank you Lord for your love and the love of your faithful servants to bless us in our time of need to lighten the load, to find Mercy and Compassion, even when we don't think we deserve either.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just Another Tuesday

Where did Monday go? Monday's always seem to last forever, with one horrible event after the other. This morning like all mornings I woke up just wanting to spend 5 more minutes in bed. Yesterday was a rather unusual Monday with Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, we just happened to be out of school yesterday. Making our Monday go rather fast, and less forgotten by the next morning.
For me I would have rather spent a little longer sharing my Monday, Watching the basketball game and sharing with an old friend. Time seems to go too fast anymore these days, as Adam and i laid in bed last night reflecting over the last 11 yrs. or so. I was reminded of all the changes that have taken place, how we are getting even closer to the end of a Chapter in your lives and expecting to turn the page to a new adventure much different then the last.
I guess from this time forward we will spend many of our days asking where has the time gone, children turning into adults. I am reminded of a very dear friend of mine, she would often say don't rush time it rushes enough on it's own. Enjoy the little moments and celebrate the big ones, maybe because we never know how life will turn out.
I think i will spend everyday thankful with out complaint, making even the most miserable of days the best that i can make it.