got Hope

got Hope

Monday, May 11, 2009

What A Weary Journey

As i opened my Bible for the first time last night in a long time, it occurred to me how far behind i have gotten behind my Savior.
I woke bright and early this morning after the first snooze with a different purpose in life. One of a different Journey. Leaving behind my brokenness of several years there at my bedside where i placed it the night before.
Now humbled and feeling ashamed this Journey yet another one on God's path to restoration will be different. Not one of reaching the world through the Love of Christ and Forgiveness by God. But my own personal Journey of self worth and love.
It's about me new and all the things God must change in me, through that love will come wholeness.
So i am going to study the book of Proverbs. Get down and dirty with God. My sisters words, my how God's love and her patients has changed her love for life, even when life is hard. Through that love Christ reached out to me and showed me how far off the Journey i have come.

As i opened up Proverbs this morning Verse 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.But fools despise wisdom and discipline.

What a fool i have been.
Thank you God for even the weakest of your people are strong.