got Hope

got Hope

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Better Than Life

Pslam 63:3 Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.

This 12 word sentence pretty much says it all as far as i am concerned, I am still amazed every time i open my Bible, how three words can dig deep within and pull out what you have been feeling. We all get so wrapped up in the everyday life that it's hard sometimes to pull yourself out of the worldly worries, bills bare down on you, work schedules, running after teenagers(like i do) we forget that God's love is better than life it's self, and all the other things don't matter. Here's the simplicity of the God i serve He looks down and reminds me of His presence, in the eyes of a newborn baby, a homeless hungry man, the smile of a child, the innocence of humanity. I am reminded that god's love is all of those things simple God is not complicated we just make him that way.
i have a dear friend of mine... right now as i write this see is struggling for every breathe she takes in this world only longing to be with her King, she holds on not to life but to the thought of seeing her oldest daughter graduate from College get married and start her own family, her middle daughter to become the doctor God created her to be, and to see her baby boy be what ever he wants to be, maybe kiss her new daughter in law. It's not about holding on for the world it's about holding on to her legacy what she was created to be a mother raising her children the best way see knew how through life's circumstances but by the grace of God showing them strength to do what ever they dreamt about... She is and inspiration to me even as i watch her fight for life to just be... to lay her eyes on what she loves most in this world, her children. That is what God's love is to me, he did that for us he seen the pain in his own son's eyes felt it in every fiber of his being the pain of Hell because he loved us that much. Just like Sandy wakes every morning with pain to have one more day for her children.

Cancer is attacking the very people we love... Join the fight to stomp out the very thing that is taking our loved ones away from us!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Good Day, Bad Day or God Day?

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

I picked up a book by one of my favorite writers Max Lucado " everyday Deserves a Chance" , just recently finished a book about the two girls that were in that serious car accident a couple of years ago from Taylor University, the one girl was killed and the other one lived, in the first 5 weeks after the accident they had the two girls mixed up, a book you must read... anyways i copied all the the scriptures down to study more in detail from the book, as i returned back to my Blog i find it so like God to tie in the Scriptures from one book into the words and thoughts of a writer i admire deeply. The out come my own understanding and pursuit of Christ's heart.

As I usually start everyday a fight to wake the kids from a deep sleep, dogs to go potty( and we don't have a fence, and live on a very busy street) they drag me out and walk me usually on there time not mine. I seem to rush through the mornings, so that i can get to the first bus stop on time, i forget to look to the positive side of things. I am reminded in this Scripture That God comforts all our troubles. The closer it gets to the end of another school year the busier i find myself, more anxious to have a nice summer vacation the older the girls get the more i value the time i have to spend with them, as each year passes i become more attached to my students and more sad to loose the few seniors i have. It's hard to give the day a chance when they quickly approach and before we know it another one begins. Today i find comfort in knowing that God is near and ready to mend my troubling heart.
Thank You Father for being the all knowing and forgiving Father you are.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Never Give Up Hope

Psalm 27:14 Waite for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

I guess we have all been there a time or two, frustrated and seeking answers and not finding them soon enough. A bad marriage, sick child or spouse maybe family member or dear friend, in a slump with your finances or just a slump, depression sets in and you just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, been there been in all those places, i can remember thinking where is God how much longer do i have to wait out the storm when will all this pass. he always reveals himself one way or another and in this very brief scripture we are given assurance that
He is never far from us, be strong and take heart, and just at the very right moment he comes in wraps his loving arms around us quickly we forget the things that troubles us.
I love Spring and Fall mostly because God is so present in nature that i see his very presence every where i look. It's easy to get lost in the ways of the world traffic and smog, working that we forget to stop and take in His very presence, but during these times I get lost in his very exsistance.

Enjoy the Day!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Forget Tomorrow Hope For Today

You know i just started reading a book by Max Lucado: Everyday Deserves A Chance.
He is a great Author he can take any situation and turn it into a life lesson. I woke up this morning intending to do my lesson today on Pslam 84:1-2 but you know God had another plan instead i ended up in Lamentations 3:22-23 Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassion never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
But you know looking at both scriptures (i will let you look up the other one) they really go hand in hand. I can let evryday be sabatoged by yesterday, how many of us do that, live in the past and not for the day. How can we keep our thoughts focused on Heaven when we can't move past something we did or something someone did to us.
God's grace is new every morning when we ask and recieve it, it's the very reason Christ died on the cross, so we would not be condemned for what we did yesterday. By His blood we are saved.
It's like forgiveness, forgive and then forget. That's hard to do we say "I forgive you, but sometimes we still hold on to the anger or hurt, infact we have not forgiven them at all, and then Jesus came along he was crucified nailed to a cross sent to hell and then risen from the pit's of death so that we could be forgiven, when God say's i forgive you he does just that, don't we owe friends and family the same forgiveness God gives us. I am focused on that very kind of forgiveness, that's what seeking the heart of Christ is really all about, we won't measure up not in this world, it will come to us in the very place we can barely wrap our brains around "Heaven"

Have a Blessed Day!
Live, Love and focus on today because tomorrow has already passed.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Faithful Servant

Matthew 25:23 His Master replied."Well done good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masters happiness.
You know as typed out this passage I wondered how I could take this very gift and apply it to my life? It's wonderful how God puts us in charge of little things to prepare us for the big things we will have once we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Many times the little tasks he gives us seem to big to conquer and we bail out as if we were on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean afraid we may drown. I have done that many times in my life and soon live to regret the decisions I made. May i spend everyday from this day forward challenging myself to stay in the boat no matter how rough the waters may get, so that I may see the rainbow at the end of the storm.

Why I Created This Blog

Hello this is my first post.

My prayer is that God uses this Blog for His purpose as I seek to find the heart of Christ, through my life. As I share my life through adversity and triumph. That if only one person stumbles here and finds the real purpose of a journey we all have embarked upon the day we entered this world from the very thought of God.
May This Blog be used for God's Purpose and not my own, and along the journey i hope to find some friends new and old who share in the very purpose of my life seeking God's will .

May God Bless You Today!