got Hope

got Hope

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Has Finally Arrived

Here we are in the first week of a new year. I find myself looking back at the past year. Where I was, how I spent the year. I find my myself a little disappointed in me.

There is much i should have done, a lot i didn’t do. Most importantly a lot of time wasted with very little time spent with God.

As i look to the new year, i have challenged myself, to spend more time with God. Focus more on myself and those things in my life i need to change. While i work diligently on changing my life for a new day.

But that’s what growth is all about, i think? Maybe not, but who am i to sit around and ponder on all that i have missed. It would only allow myself to not experience true grace and all it’s glory, not allowing God to change my heart. Seeking his counsel and love.

Today was our first day back after Christmas break. i have to say that my 2 weeks off was rewarding and relaxing. I shared lunch with an old friend, who i am so proud of. She has showed me through her passion for life and love for God , what my own life has been missing.

Isn’t God great how he works, when we least expect it there we stand face to face with Him. We either choose to ignore the knock, or we open the door. For me in my adult life, the excitement of where this might take me is more anticipated than the trench i have managed to dig for myself. I always seem to answer the door and let Him in. I never regret doing it.

I think then when i get over the hill and God allows me to look back as to where i have been is more thrilling and rewarding then the climb itself. I am so thankful that 11 years ago i allowed Him to change my life for ever, each mountain and valley would not have been so satisfying with out him beside me.

“By the Grace of God go I.”

As i embark on yet another year, I seek to feel the very breath of God on my face. To change my life, and soften my heart. In return see the lives of those around me impacted by the change in me, that they too will seek to become more intimate with the one who loves us unconditionally.

Pslam 103: 11 For as high as the Heavens are above the earth, so great is the love who fear Him.