got Hope

got Hope

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Faith Like A Chid

I have often over the years heard that saying more times than i could even count. I know what it means, of course we all know what it means, but do we really know what God was trying to tell us?
I can say as often as i heard it i would stumble over the thought process of how he wanted us to experience that very phrase. " Faith Like A Child" oh their innocent they look at life through the eyes of joy, less complicated, some children see through road blocks and only what's ahead, the big picture with out worry, fear, restriction all things through God are possible.
I experienced that this week, what it means to see life through the eyes of a child, to have faith beyond anything we could ever imagine, raw, genuine faith, to climb in the lap of our Savior and say it's ok because He will take care of everything.
A student of mine, who i have known over a course of 9 yrs. now, i have literally watched her grow up. She found out she has cancer, the worst kind of cancer. Metastatic Cancer,  they gave her 3 to 4 months of life, and even if she wanted to go through Cemo, they could only say it would add 6 months. She told her step dad, who might as well be her real dad. " I am not afraid to die, what i am afraid of is living with Cancer". Let me say this child is 16yrs. old, I know adults who took the news worse.
Her parents brought her home, and she has ultimatly decided that it's up to God, no matter what it's up to God. Go ahead and grab your box of kleenex's cause when i got home i did, she doesn't want people sitting around feeling sorry for her, she doesn't want anyone crying for her. She wants everyone to remember the good times they shared with her, the sound of laughter, the memories she got to make while she was here.
My heart aches for her parents, i am a parent anytime my child gets into a little trouble my first instinct is to rush in and save them,no matter what it is. My best friend lost her 16 yr. old about 6 yrs. ago suddenly. While i have watched their pain, i have no idea what it feels like. I don't want to know what it feels like, to be honest. What's even more amazing to me is how these parents can bring their child home respect her wishes, and trust God through her faith. That is as big as the God i serve, We could learn something from her.
I just can't help but say, thank you God for blessing me with such awesome people in my life that hold me accountable to what you expect of me.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Could time just stop for a moment

So it’s pretty close to the end of the school year, that i am glad for. This year has been a rough year for me, i don’t seem to be feeling any better today then i did 8 months ago. I find myself worrying about the worst possible case, if you know what i mean? We do that we get a little sick and don’t shake it off as soon as we think we should, next thing you know you pretty much have your self with one foot in the grave.

It’s been a big year, with it’s fair share of stress. It’s no wonder I’m not feeling like myself. The girls are growing right before my eye’s; would you believe that this summer my oldest daughter will take driver’s training, she will be driving me around. Adam keeps saying think how much more easier life will be for you, i keep thinking my life is easy enough. Why do i want to add the stress of my teenage daughter out there driving around in the big bad world. Come on now how much do you think this poor lady can handle.

My youngest will officially be in High School this coming school year, right now if i could freeze time this is when i would just go ahead and get it done. they are at the perfect age. Oh yeah we don’t always get a long but that’s parenting for you. They are still little in a sense, i never thought i would handle them growing up like this.

Stayed tuned for the summer drama program.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I am so excited about me next project

A big surprise, to someone special in my life. I hope she is not checking on my blog much these days, just in case i won’t blow it by telling who this next quilt will be for. I am so excited to get it put together. I must have ran out of black fabric while i was cutting it, so this weekend i will run over to Wal-mart and pick up a yard to get it finished. i know the material there is not as good as what i can find in a quilting shop. Occasionally i don’t mind putting one together for less than $100.00. So anyways i will give you a peek at one of the blocks. Of course i will post pictures of it when i am done. For some reason black has caught my eye a lot this winter. Maybe because it has been so cold and gloomy this year.

quilt 001

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My latest endeavor

quilt 006

So my latest project shortly on it’s way to Wisconsin. I sat down and counted all the quilts i have done in the last 13 months. It sort of averaged out 1 each month, it’s no wonder why every time i pull one out during a TV. show my husband sighs.

I can’t help it even right now as i am writing this, i am thinking about this quilt that i would love to have done no later than the end of March. Call me crazy, i can not believe how it has changed the way i view shapes. My love for art has evolved into this whole new world.

I can finally pick up the phone and call my mom and share with her something we both share in common. I think when the weather breaks i am going to have her teach me how to sew with a machine. It sounds so funny just saying it. We never get too old to learn something new.

So tell me what you think? 

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Has Finally Arrived

Here we are in the first week of a new year. I find myself looking back at the past year. Where I was, how I spent the year. I find my myself a little disappointed in me.

There is much i should have done, a lot i didn’t do. Most importantly a lot of time wasted with very little time spent with God.

As i look to the new year, i have challenged myself, to spend more time with God. Focus more on myself and those things in my life i need to change. While i work diligently on changing my life for a new day.

But that’s what growth is all about, i think? Maybe not, but who am i to sit around and ponder on all that i have missed. It would only allow myself to not experience true grace and all it’s glory, not allowing God to change my heart. Seeking his counsel and love.

Today was our first day back after Christmas break. i have to say that my 2 weeks off was rewarding and relaxing. I shared lunch with an old friend, who i am so proud of. She has showed me through her passion for life and love for God , what my own life has been missing.

Isn’t God great how he works, when we least expect it there we stand face to face with Him. We either choose to ignore the knock, or we open the door. For me in my adult life, the excitement of where this might take me is more anticipated than the trench i have managed to dig for myself. I always seem to answer the door and let Him in. I never regret doing it.

I think then when i get over the hill and God allows me to look back as to where i have been is more thrilling and rewarding then the climb itself. I am so thankful that 11 years ago i allowed Him to change my life for ever, each mountain and valley would not have been so satisfying with out him beside me.

“By the Grace of God go I.”

As i embark on yet another year, I seek to feel the very breath of God on my face. To change my life, and soften my heart. In return see the lives of those around me impacted by the change in me, that they too will seek to become more intimate with the one who loves us unconditionally.

Pslam 103: 11 For as high as the Heavens are above the earth, so great is the love who fear Him.